Monday, April 9, 2012

Analysis says nokia need not shake apple simply overwhelm RIM blackberry

, market research firm Forrester analyst Sarah Rowe toman · YiPuSi (Sarah Rottman Epps) published on Thursday, a blog post says, nokia (the Po) don't need to be able to shake the smart phone market iPhone "killer", but should focus on overwhelm RIM blackberry (the Po).
Nokia 900 mobile phone on April 8, AT&T's listed in retail stores, many critics will this phone and apple iPhone 4 S compare, says it can not compare with the latter.
YiPuSi says, she is nokia Windows Phone mobile Phone supporters, and urged that nokia to be successful does not need to beat apple. She points out that nokia should with RIM blackberry users as the goal, try to "in two years will each a blackberry user is" into Windows Phone users. She further points out that: "blackberry users to pay for data itself has, so far, they will consciously or unconsciously choose not to buy an apple or Google ecological system."
YiPuSi says, Microsoft (the Po) have a chance to take in the smart phone market RIM occupied the small share, and transformed "part of" still in use nokia mobile phone users saiban. According to market research firm IDC statistics released, RIM is currently in the global smartphone market share of 8.2%.
YiPuSi pointed out: "smart phone market has matured to the point where will split, Palm is dead, and both saiban th xishan, thin RIM shambling, ecological system (except for Google and apple beyond) all of the men in all hope to have a third company Google and apple into the middle."

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

RIM blackberry in India to boost sales price: the highest of 27%

Blackberry (the Po) mobile phone manufacturer RIM (RIMM) announced on Wednesday that the part has smart phone models in India have cut the price of as much as 27% to jumpstart the the world's second largest mobile phone market sales.
India is currently only a few RIM growth one of the market, the company is faced with the apple iPhone and Android mobile phone from the fierce competition.
RIM said, the price cut involves four of smart phones, including entry-level Curve 8520, the latter is the most popular of the India market intelligence type, cut prices for 18%, to 8999 rupees ($180); Torch 9860 models the price by 26.7%, to 21990 rupees. Two two models of price cut machine is Curve 9360 and Curve 9380.
RIM India Sunil Dutt business managing director, said the four section type constitute the company's Indian sales of about 60%, the blackberry in local young people are very popular.
According to India CyberMedia Research estimates that RIM India smart phones occupy 15% market share, ranking third, behind nokia (the Po) of 38%, and samsung (the Po) of 28%.
Smart phones currently accounts for 6% of the total sales in the Indian mobile phone, local mobile phone users is very sensitive to prices, most people only used to make a phone call and mobile phone text messages. However, the market is growing rapidly, mobile phone last year total sales rose 87% to 11.2 million department.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Domestic handset exclamation artificial cost rise: hold not pay tax for market

"We in the burning platform in the competition." Yesterday, a state-owned holding electronic enterprise of relevant personage to "the first financial daily reporter said, the first quarter of this year, the mobile phone industry to accelerate intelligent upgrade, a fiercely competitive, macro economic environment and bad, mobile phone firms generally not do.
According to the latest data from the national bureau of statistics, this year 1 ~ 2 months, state-owned enterprise profits into downlink channel, national scale above in industrial enterprises, computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing profits down 40.8%.
A domestic handset enterprise controller admitted, "the situation about". He said that, this year, the European debt crisis that factors such as China mobile phone exports is much impact, this enterprise mobile phone exports goes down 20% ~ 30%.
Domestic mobile phone market is in transition, apple, samsung and HTC smartphone brand such as part of the larger, domestic brand share has been nibbling. In the traditional function mobile phone field, by state-owned enterprises and the impact of the fortress machine. "The stronghold machine need not pay tax, we are regular tax, market competition bad." The chief sighed.
In the sales contract at the same time, costs are rising, which is mainly artificial cost. The chief says, since this year coastal areas of the factory labor costs 20% year-on-year. With the industrial transfer and urbanization advance, many migrant workers in the home can find a job, even a bit lower wages than coastal, but local low cost of living. So, we must raise wages to keep migrant workers.
The state-owned enterprise is also not the day of the computer. A large state-owned electronic enterprise a top tell our newspaper, the rise in the cost of materials and artificial, a certain relationship. National construction harmonious society, it will have to raise their wages. The Spring Festival this year home workers unless a raise in salary, or are not willing to return to shenzhen factory.
Raw material costs also have certain to rise. Thailand by flood impact, the end of last year the cost of computer hard drive rose 200 to 300 yuan, and the cost of computer hard drive accounts for about 5% of the cost of ~ 10% overall. So far, the hard drive cost has dropped slightly.
The top also speculation, in the first two months of this year industry profits drop forty percent, may also and overall situation about last year. He said, the staff's year-end bonus and general in the following takes issue. If the gains in the current year, the cost will be prepared on the dial; If the gains in the current year is bad, the expenses that year no plan, directly affecting the following year profit.
"2011 isn't ideal situation." The senior said, because of the hard drive the global assembly line in Thailand, Thailand in the latter half of last year the outbreak, the impact of the upstream and downstream shipment, make domestic hard disk parts and computer sales of the whole machine are reduced. In addition, the European debt crisis also make computer demand weakened. So, estimates that 2011 annual staff of many enterprise takes and bonuses are directly from 2012 account of extraction

Monday, March 26, 2012

Samsung into Taiwan's largest mobile phone manufacturer apple, followed by HTC

From Taiwan retail channel data show that the February this year, samsung (the Po), apple and HTC is Taiwan market three mobile phone manufacturer, total market share to 60%.
According to the shipments calculation, the Galaxy S II and Galaxy Note and the promotion of the smart phones, samsung in February in Taiwan mobile phone market share of 31%, in first. Next is the apple and HTC, market share between 23% and 24%.
According to the sales volume, apple in first, market share of 30%. Samsung placed second, market share, close to 30%. HTC third, the market share of 23.5%.
Top 10 best-selling in Taiwan in mobile phone models, with seven of apple, samsung and HTC from. Although nokia (the Po) trying to Lumia series ascension market share, but this February in Taiwan's market share has dropped to 10% the following, for its history.
Nokia fourth market share slightly higher than in fifth row of SONY. Although SONY, MOTOROLA (the Po) mobile and LG in the Android market has made some achievements, but in overall smartphone market, competition ability still not as good as samsung and HTC.
At the same time, cool, such as huawei and zte mainland mobile phone manufacturer use the price advantage became the powerhouse.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Microsoft to make China the iPhone sales WP mobile phone

Microsoft (the Po) recently released in China market official Windows Phone operating system. Microsoft hopes to depend on Windows Phone Tango system to the China price sensitive attract intelligent mobile Phone users.
Microsoft CEO in the greater China region LiangNianJian (the Po) hope, in the Chinese market, and Windows Phone mobile Phone first in sales can more than iPhone, in the long run than Android mobile Phone, become the leader of the market.
Windows Phone mobile Phone has not be widely accepted in the American market. And like Android, Windows Phone aim at high price is not smart Phone market, so as to promote growth, and in emerging markets such as China and India market share.
Apple and Google (the Po) now will China as smart phones business growth next source. Expect 2012 China will become the world's largest smartphone market.
Microsoft now in the U.S. smartphone market down 2 to 3 years, but there is still a chance that Microsoft in China and other emerging market share for more. IDC estimates that by 2016, Microsoft in China smartphone market share will reach 20%, higher than the 16% apple. But Windows Phone more than Android difficulty bigger, the latter in the China market has gained high market share, many cheap smartphones using different versions of Android system.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

4 G phones full of hot air: encounter network and battery double constraints

3 G mobile phone is in the ascendant, 4 G phones and storm. On the market, nokia (the Po), HTC, samsung (the Po) each big cell phone manufacturers have launched 4 G products, and in the end not long ago MWC 2012 mobile world congress, 4 G terminal and application of the parties is the focus of attention.
However, 4 G phones development condition is still not forming. The American market research firm NPD recently released report says, although it may have all kinds of 4 G high speed network was set up to, but in fact most new mobile phone don't support 4 G network. And the issuance of licenses for domestic 4 G also there is no explicit date. 4 G network and technology is not mature, 4 G mobile phone battery life ability for serious trouble by factors such as 4 G mobile phone in the large scale development. Despite the huge development prospect, but for the moment, 4 G mobile phone of mass popularity need more time.
4 G smartphone coming to the forefront
The popularity of the 3 G network bring 3 G smartphones in the rapid development, with 4 G LTE technology development, the 4 G terminal has emerged.
Nokia had in the United States at the consumer electronics show in Las Vegas (CES) released Windows Phone a new generation of flagship product Lumia 900. This machine by the United States the largest operators AT&T sold exclusively, is nokia's first LTE 4 G technology support smart phone. HTC is also layout and 4 G market actively the facilitator. The world's first launched 4 G mobile phone network support HTC EVO 4 G after, HTC recently issued new smart phone-LTE Titan Ⅱ HTC. Following nokia, HTC, was booming development of cell phone manufacturers samsung recently to 4 G preemption market opportunities, and will also introduce a code for "Mandel" 4 G LTE Windows smartphone.
It is not difficult to find that, in 4 G network under the accelerated development, carrying a 4 G network terminal is seen as a future mobile phone market's largest cake. Especially in the U.S. market, 4 G smartphone competition becomes increasingly fierce, samsung, LG, MOTOROLA (the Po), the brand such as HTC 4 G smartphone rob food in succession, and the apple iPhone 4 S is one of America's most popular 4 G phones. According to NPD market survey data, 4 G models (including support, WiMAX and HSPA + LTE) last year in the fourth quarter, to the United States accounted for 35% of the smart phone sales, and the Numbers in the same period last year is only 6%.
4 G phones on the market is very hot, also in the industry, 4 G terminal is also strong limelight. In the urbane communication mobile phone industry vane "famous MWC 2012 show, the most eye-catching light is 4 G LTE technology. The conference is the most popular LTE theme, all of the terminal, application and technology in all around this aspect to develop, mobile phone manufacturing enterprise with some also launched 4 G phones, the network, application, terminal fusion up. For example, on two main of zte 4 G LTE phone-PF200 and N910, in mobile digital life, mobile payment, hd multimedia and other aspects of performance are embodied in technological advantages. HTC HTC OneX flagship products also configuration of the qualcomm chip LTE.
At present 4 G LTE network has been popular in foreign countries. With the global operators accelerate 4 G network layout, 4 G smartphone will also be on the cell phone market is a beautiful beautiful scenery.
4 G phones development still save shackles
Despite the good development prospect of 4 G industry, but for the moment, 4 G smartphone concept far outweigh the practical significance, and its development there exist many constraints.
First of all, 4 G terminal although grab an eye but stunt the majority. The American market research firm NPD has issued a report, although may have all kinds of 4 G high speed network was set up to, but in fact most new mobile phone don't support 4 G network. The report shows that even under the most relaxed 4 G network definition, the United States last year sold on the market of smart phones only 35% is in the 4 G network running on. Although the percentage was 6% higher than the same period last year, but still means that nearly two thirds of smartphones in support 3 G network. In other words, 3 G smartphones is still current market mainstream.
China has also is such. On one hand, 3 G smartphones occupy the absolute end market share. 3 G network development and popularization, gave birth to the fiery 3 G smartphone market. Data shows that in the year 2011, China 3 G users increased by 80.469 million for a total breakthrough of 128 million. Some experts expect after the end of 2011 after sprint, China 3 G penetration rate can reach about 14%, or 2012 can achieve 20% above, rapid growth in 3 G. 3 G development swing, and on the other hand, the issuance of licenses for 4 G currently there is no specific agenda. Labour minister MiaoWei reported letter, 4 G network especially TD-LTE network construction and after two to three years, to a series of large-scale trial and trial commercial, can extend license plates.
In addition, the cell phone battery life of 4 G ability quite worrying. As is known to all, the battery endurance are already restrict 3 G smartphones bottlenecks, and for network speed is faster, more powerful configuration of 4 G for smart phones, battery test of endurance will be more serious. 4 G network in the United States more popular, more and more smart phones 4 G users find high-speed broadband service will accelerate the loss of power speed, and 4 G service is not stable power consumption is the culprit, even in the United States in a large city, cell phone or from time to time to search for the network service, then depleted battery range. Similarly, the American market research company J.D. Power once every six months smart phone satisfaction survey of the latest results show that the battery life time is not satisfied with the most intelligent mobile phone users. Among them, 4 G mobile phone battery life ability also less than 3 G phones. The need to search 4 G signal, make this kind of product power consumption increase. In addition, 4 G users of mobile phone use higher frequency, leading to battery more nervous.
4 G hair scale universal time is needed to
4 G network is not stable, 4 G mobile phone a few, terminal battery endurance couldn't keep up with...... Many constraints restricts the 4 G smartphone market enlargement. Although the development of 4 G has horn sounded, but terminal the popularization and the scale development still need a period of brewing and improvement.
Globally, 4 G development is a trend, but also the future a big blue ocean. Many business, the terminal equipment manufacturer, the chip manufacturers have launched their own 4 G products, operators also shows the status of the deployment of their network. And when 4 G network development matures, 4 G LTE technology is increasingly perfect under, 4 G phones have incremental development and is not impossible. But now, 3 G network construction is still in carrying on like, 3 G smartphones are in strong popularization stage, the scale of 4 G mobile development still needs to endure the test of time.
Especially in domestic market, 4 G smartphone development still need to walk through multi-channel threshold, perhaps need a longer time. Domestic 4 G the issuance of licenses for the 4 G is in front of the terminal development "tiger". Besides, according to the work MiaoWei minister that letter, China 4 G the issuance of licenses may be two to three years. While China TD-LTE commercial present two problems need to be solved: one is the density base station, and the other is terminal not mature. MiaoWei said: "would rather the slightly slower, ready to more fully, the user to get some mature product." This shows, the next two to three years, the domestic will still to 3 G development for the leading. And, this year is the 3 G scale development, an important year, and, in the telecommunication actively promote the development process of 3 G, 3 G smartphones will have outbreaks growth. 4 G mobile phone and at present only in the embryonic stage, realize mass popularity time is needed to.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mobile platform heat ranking: iOS andros registered the blackberry slid in

Market research firm IDC survey Appcelerator and, apple has become the most popular application developers to welcome the platform, Android platform lost some attractive, blackberry (the Po) platform is slowing significantly.
The survey asked whether you are interested in developers for different types of equipment development application. The results showed that, despite the rapid rise of equipment sales Android, but developers to the interest of the Android platform has fallen.
Appcelerator analyst Michael gold (Mike King) says, because different hardware manufacturers in a different way to use Android system, the platform fragmentation phenomenon is very obvious. This and apple iOS system is different. He said: "platform fragmentation lead to developers interested, and Google down (the Po) seems to have no good way."
Developer interest is a useful indicator of, can be used to judge a platform for support. When consumer is buying a smart phones will usually hope to complete a variety of mobile phone of tasks, including browse news and share price, the record running distance, and find a restaurant, etc.
The survey shows at the same time, application developers think, due to the large user base, Google's latest social media platform can eventually catch up with Facebook. Google last year launching its social networking Google +, but has so far failed to shake Facebook's lead. Facebook users already close to 900 million, of which half for mobile users.
In the poll, two-thirds of respondents expected, Google will depend on a range of services, such as Gmail, search engine, Google maps and YouTube, finally caught up with Facebook. Mike Kim said: "the developers will help Google in in the mobile and social media market get extra advantage."
In addition, 90% of survey respondents said they were interested in for iPhone or iPad application development, 80% of respondents expressed an interest in for Android mobile phone application development, and are willing to for Android tablet computer application development of respondents proportion was only about 2/3.
Most developers say they plan on the mobile applications using at least part of the meta code, this will help get rid of application store application limit, expanding coverage.
The figures show, to Windows Phone 7 (micro Po) interested in developers 37%, and for blackberry interested developers have dropped to less than 16%, less than three months before the 20%. The survey on January 25 to 27, and February 21 to 23 days, when RIM Playbook tablet computer to released the QNX system updates. In the next generation of mobile phone RIM plans use QNX system. Mike Kim said: "the developers to QNX system becoming ambivalent."
There were 2200 application developers took part in the survey, 38% of them came from Europe, and 34% from North America, 28% from other regions.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Their cell phone signal receiver is community weak

Mobile phone in the community to receive the signal, lead to life is very inconvenient. China mobile (the Po) customer service explain say that's because the receiver temporarily moved out for be caused by, are now looking for new installation address.
Eve afternoon, the reporter comes to jute Po within the investigation found that the various community road walking up, and mobile phones are only a two case signals, and the signal was on and off. And if go into any one house inside, cell phone signal will immediately up completely. Department stores the boss said ms Yang, this kind of situation has continued for nearly three months, she now simply himself in the house installed a small receiver, but the effect is not big. Ms. Xiuzhu said on the phone process suddenly signal broke, the other side still think he is intentionally hang up the phone, cause a lot of misunderstanding.
Jute Po, director of saemaul undong residents' committees ZhengShiCai says, the whole community has more than ten thousand residents, are influenced by the problems. And the office staff says, similar to the situation within their respective jurisdiction in more than real Madrid in a particularly pu, other community also has this kind of situation.
China mobile service provider then respond, jute Po of saemaul undong is with the original receiver in place because the landlord of the controversial, receiver so temporarily moved out be caused by, at present, they are looking for new installation address, will solve this problem as soon as possible.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mobile phone pit custom rules many times to push to take off escape responsibility

Recently, leshan citizens to buy Mr. Ding eight months of nokia C7 (micro Po) cellphone breaks down, but the brand special service center refused to guarantee, reason is Mr. Ding will deliver mobile phone examination, didn't bring together related warranty certificate, so into the the warranty system, although later fill all warranty proof, but system already cannot change. Leshan cc think, internal system should not exist pit to the client of the binding upon both parties. Then and renamed the pit lane, Mr. Ding cellphone is caused by damage to the people, not warranty scope.
Later, Mr. Ding related department to reflect this. Leshan council officials say, want to accord with the warranty conditions, warranty procedures are complete, it should provide pit guarantee service. Pit internal system that, the external personnel without engagement.
For the pit was renamed as "artificial damage not guarantee", cattle Er bridge xiang workers say, is when the referee pit, and when athletes, already identified damaged reasons, and participate in cellphone service, the consumer is not fair.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The economist: intelligent mobile phone user is slavery

1963 years of The "Servant" (The Servant) is a memorable movie. The film mercilessly analyses Dirk bo Gardner (Dirk Bogarde) play the sinister man, and James Fox (James Fox) play the romantic of the relationship between the master. Man found the master's weaknesses, play the upside of his valet game: the end of the story, and a flattering fox sincerely serve up a proud bo fine heart. The movie is flay the Harold Macmillan (Harold Macmillan) under the rule of the British class structure. But today to review the film, it is hard to imagine the other a disturbing relationship between people and their workplace-smart cellphone.
Intelligent equipment is very useful, they will the global information gathering in our fingertips. They allow people to work at home, and not on a daily and sending out behind the stranger together crowded subway. Want to dominate the work flexible time fathers are concerned, this is huge in the Gospel. Smart phones and tablet computers can improve efficiency, and help people make full use of waiting in line to buy coffee that originally may be a waste of leisure time. They even can create an illusion, let a sloth look like in stay up late work, specific methods is through the set, 1:00 a.m. in sent an E-mail.
But for most people, your servant has become master. Not long ago, only doctors need to be available. But now, all is in the state of the standby alert. The boss will be without violation of the employees time to rest. Although occasionally there in the family will be brought to the office, but the number is far from the work of the family of harassment. Originally the sane person would have kept view smart phones, even had a drink of water will not miss all the time. After morning rises, first thing and late before one last thing, into E-mail.
Reason explore
Smart phones addictive are one reason. Brand marketing experts Collins st Martin's dragon (Martin Lindstrom) had once did an experiment to find ten to most impact of voice. He found that mobile phone ranked third vibration, after Intel (the Po) advertising music and the laugh of a baby. Blackberry (the Po) and iPhone with numerous advantages of relentlessly attract us. No matter when, as long as you check the flash squares, it is very likely to see the customer or the boss E-mail message, at least they will see a Nigerian scam from email: as long as you ask him to provide bank information, can give you $1 million. Smartphone has become the best excuse to delay our work. How many people dare to say, because they never escape from more work and delete mail?
Hyperlinks (hyperconnectivity) intensifies the modern office area of the most destructive some trends: the uncertainty of the downturn (as the organization give up bureaucracy, and turned to the flexible organizational structure development), the rise of the global supply chain and the universal praise highly of flexibility. Smart cellphone market makes managers easily in the final seconds to change his mind: for example, in the mail to subordinates at 11 bit, let their second day must fly Pittsburgh. With these disgusting equipment, a time zone of managers can easily destroy another time zone people dream.
The staff found that work and the line between work and more vague, and the real work to do not let a person with pure idle down and arrangement of unnecessary work between, also it is difficult to distinguish. Officers also feel doppelganger in two places at once: not only in normal working hours for all kinds of meetings, a class had to deal with a lot of email and information.
All these people on the workplace of the marriage and mental health, not even on the enterprise have an impact. When the boss may change your mind at the last minute, it is hard to make plans for the future. Have a lot of research proved a common sense: if not continue to be interrupted, people's thinking more deeply.
How to don't be smart phones bother? How can enslaved cases benefit from it? "The Numbers on a diet" is a feasible scheme. As the spread of junk food to force people to comply with more strict dietary habit, the spread of garbage information for the same people to obey the more strict browsing habits. Before the information can let us not to regain a civilization feeling; Weekend or not to send a text message on Thursday can let iPhone understand, and who is the true masters.
But the problem is, unless you live in a desert island or lake bottom, otherwise this method is hard to work. In a forthcoming new book and intelligent mobile phone of Sleeping (Sleeping with Your Smartphone), harvard business school professor Leslie · er los (Leslie Perlow) think, for most people, to break the habit of standby all day, the only way is to be together, rather than split asunder.
Her through a story to tell people: as one of the world's busiest organization, the Boston consulting group is how to better manage "hyperlinks". The company launched a series of rules, detailed the staff when you can not stand by, and encourage them to achieve this. Many powerful consultant at first laughed at this way-they think, only the cowardly talent will turn off smart phones. But in the end, by reducing staff to overdraw degrees, the company's work efficiency instead to be promoted.
The copper los proposal shall get attention. As smart phones more and more intelligent, together with the young digital generation come into the workplace, hyperlinks problems can only is deteriorating. People will be more life to the care of smart phones, like the fox will more and more life to a Po fine heart do the same: now, you can download personal assistant (such as apple Siri), let it tell you the schedule, also can use virtual personal trainer to urge you to exercise more. British telecom regulator Ofcom said that more than 60% of adolescents intelligent mobile phone users to this kind of equipment "very addictive", the proportion of adults about 37%.
The faster the smart phone, the attraction of the application, have more users and also more addictive. Between husband and wife to get out of the difficulty, can directly to the phone and threw it out of the window or the inside of the toilet. But in the final analysis, for all smart phones from time to time out of bondage, only more intelligent than a smart  cellphone, the company can do it.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Brazil: to 2018 mobile phone fees down 80%

According to bloomberg reported, the Brazilian national telecommunications administration chief LiBeiLuo (Emilia Ribeiro) recently said, with other countries to reduce fees for the measures for the telecom industry, and enhance the siding competition, to 2018 Brazilian mobile operators fee will decline by 80%.
LiBeiLuo says, if the new cost analysis of mode approved, Brazil cellphone interconnection fees will be from the current 0.48 reais/minutes fell to 0.10 reais (5.6 cents)
Interconnection fees is operators accept rival mobile phone network to call in and the fees charged. Although the cost cuts will lead to the consumer cost reduction, but Brazil the adjustment of the cellphone charges still fall behind in Spain, Mexico and other countries, the two countries interconnection of ink fee has been cut in half.
Brazil one of the four major mobile operators business 2010 a total charge 21.3 billion reais ($11.9 billion) interconnection fees, two-thirds of the Internet and mobile phone charges from with fixed-line interconnected. The government plan and the four operators price negotiations.
Interconnection fees are set up charging projects of Brazil, before mobile operators to help build infrastructure. Now used for subsidies prepaid users, this part of the user accounts for about 80% of cellphone users in Brazil.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Economic observer: we need four nuclear cell phone

"36 million!"
Finally a reporter dared shouted 1, even he was sorry to owe the QianShen, because for a cell phone camera pixels for, this sounds like a crazy Numbers. But it apparently not guess nokia (the Po) CEO has come the roper, he smiled, "41 million." Voice from his mouth slowly out, full of people suddenly was stunned, this is so cool! News and then spread through the whole exhibition hall, the reporter FenYong but go to, the hope in the first time about this crazy things, and this should be the main character of the Lumia 900 was embarrassed in the deep end.
But that afternoon, public opinion will calm down, the industry started thinking about a problem, "do we really need this 41 million pixels?"
This is actually a very awkward question, but in 2012 the MWC (mobile world congress), the similar questions and lots more. A great technology elements of the birth of the really people crazy, but no doubt hardware development speed seems disconnected with the whole industry chain. A simple contrast, in 2011, MWC keywords or dual-core and 8 million pixel camera, and by this year, four nuclear is no longer a fresh topic, even more than 41 million pixels peak last year four times as much. But we still in use of communication network is not good, even 3 G are not enough popularization, lie in our mobile phone screen applications, is still the old faces.
This is the reality. The past 20 years, we had a technology as the main driving force of the era, as the chain of derivatives are not consciously around "Wintel alliance" spread shop. Speed and stability evaluation system is the most important in two dimensions, and almost all of the business model looks so drab, even create lots of myth of the Internet. Now the big different, we talk about the content, service, and the user experience. Therefore, smart manufacturer never is the creator of the technology, but it is the understanding of its connotation.
This seems to be very fatigued. After all, things don't like experience the technical parameters, can use a standard to measure. But it cannot be denied that the technology to be loyal to the life of, any disconnection between will appear out of date.
With four nuclear as an example. Huawei, zte, HTC, LG, etc are in the MWC introduced a four nuclear products, in addition to huawei is to use the research and development K3V2 haisi his chip outside, a few other are in the Tegra 3 with the cargo. This looks very beautiful, because in multitasking, customers will receive a few times as many as in the speed of cellphone mononuclear. But in return, you need to be at the same time making more energy consumption. "Except to put in my pocket as a heating use, otherwise don't need four nuclear cell phone." Has the roper once such four nuclear problem of irony should. Microsoft Windows Phone department of a director also said they launch, working with nokia Phone don't even dual-core can smoothly to run the program, the four processors competition is a "very funny thing". Just finished the operation of the independent SONY moving, resolutely to four nuclear said the No ", "the application program is still in less than four processors, and battery life is so high consumption could not support. SONY to mature technology will only consider launched four nuclear smartphone." SONY mobile product marketing manager Stephen Sneeden said so.
Whether that is a not convincing? After all, more mobile Internet age is opponents of the frustrated. Let's first look out ARM Cortex A15 architecture, this should be a technology evolution is normal path.
This is at present the manufacturers of realised chip architecture, its train of thought is very simple, ensure performance, and on the basis of power consumption and heat and cost budget of strong scalability, and its initial appearance is dual-core. This is actually two different rhythm, is only a year and appear only dual-core "die", and the size of the space to ascend may not clear. But the key is, based on the core of the dual-core application even to now have not appear, is skip.
Part of IT companies still in use "the PC era" logic to present the market of reasoning, but actually look at apple and amazon (the Po), the two companies' incompetent in the hardware and the content is between found a reasonable balance point. Apple products as hardware performance early samsung (the Po) these manufacturers, let alone the amazon Kindle Fire, but they really did it and the industrial chain of integration. Apple look is a IT companies, but in fact IT has become a platform and service provider.
So, how to define his IT companies in the position of the industrial chain, and even decide the whole industry chain development direction of the article, because all kinds of terminal is all content services exports, and then only in the middle reaches of the industrial chain them, just a chance to contact consumers and the manufacturers. IT companies like a "buy a hand", have a lot of technical elements together, has good can easily please consumers, and have the potential to like four nuclear mobile phone that and sacrifice the most essential standby time.
In fact, those who use the prescient firms have started to change. Such as HTC, although also configuration four nuclear, but its CEO ZhouYongMing in conference didn't mention a word, he said more it is to understand the way of life of HTC, "people always hope with photos to record the now, but can't imagine a second only to the function of the phone (refers to photographic function), but no manufacturer really to do it well." In his presentation, a pile of young people taking photos of each other, and then share to friends. Even if is such as camera state can take photographs of such technology innovation, and put it into the HTC a family gathering display. And in the next day nokia conference, 41 million pixels of the camera to present the way is still a series of photos contrast effect. "This year I biggest feeling is smart phones must be going and life has contact, the combination of now is just the tip of the iceberg, I hope I can help people reduce the enterprise in the life of the complete." HTC WangXueGong chairman told the reporter, "we are not selling mobile phones, but sell in life." Therefore, to her admiration of life, is to Note of the interpretation of the samsung way: it invited a group of painter, Note to the exhibition with portrait, then print out to them, "also had a pen, the promotion Flyer is very hard way."
In the MWC, more and more manufacturers show region can be divided into "office", "games", "social" and life related to the content area, rather than abruptly "computer area" and "cellphone" area. This is a consciousness on the small change, but the current congress and the slogan "define communication" compared with, this is only a beginning.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Nokia mobile phones and plans to push this year low Android competition

, nokia (the Po) said on Thursday that it plans to cellphone products in this year renovation function, at the same time introduce more price lower Windows smartphone, through which against person bearing the rapidly rising Google (the Po) Android mobile phones.
Google in the annual report released today says: "we plan launched in 2012 higher price level of intelligence, more competitive on mobile phones, the function of these phones can bring more modern user experience, so as to solve the problem."
Although apple iPhone and other smart phone for third party applications developers to provide a platform, and has become the center of mobile phone industry growth, but to the third party software only limited support function to provide mobile phone is still in the mobile phone sales occupies most of the share. In the industry's sales, the proportion of smart phones at present only for less than a third.
Have industry insiders revealed that nokia has been committed to the development of the system based on the latest Linux software platform, this code called "Meltemi" platform will replace the most advanced mobile phone Series 40 software of function. Series 40 platform of cellphone use function in higher than other any software, a few months ago to use this software total cell phone has reached 1.5 billion department. And compared with the Meltemi platform will bring more cell phone in function similar to smartphone user experience.
In the past few years, Google's Android platform for free of intelligent mobile phone market launched a blistering impact, so far to the previous quarter, based on the platform of the global smartphone in the proportion of the total sales of more than 50%. Nokia launched last year in based on Microsoft (the Po) Windows Phone smartphone software platform, but this platform so far limited impact on the part of the reason is using this platform of mobile Phone prices higher.
Nokia in the last month of the mobile world congress issued a new 610 mobile Phone, this is the company so far the price lowest a Windows Phone mobile Phone, remove the tax and operators of the subsidies cellhone only 189 euros ($250). Nokia in the annual report says: "we plan to launch the sales price and more cheap new nokia Windows Phone products, such as mobile phones, etc."
Nokia also predicted in the annual report, said in 2012, the company capital expenditures for around 650 million euros ($862 million), more than 2011 years of 597 million euros ($792 million). Nokia also said, under the navigation of business navigation map data is facing rising price pressure, the reason is Google introduced a free navigation product.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Work is the mobile phone calls believe more reasonable algorithm

March 6,, the National People's Congress, and ministry of industry and information minister in MiaoWei accept the People's Daily said in an interview, the workers believe department is research telecommunication cost unit time. At present in minutes billing is the international prevailing practice, but there is a rounded. "At present our country take up to five into four, work in the letter, the new plan, will give the public a satisfactory answer."
At present, China's three big operators according to minutes of call general billing, less than one minute also calculate a minute, and the long-distance calls every six seconds billing, less than six seconds also calculate six seconds.
Previously on March 4, the National People's Congress, and people's hospital of meishan city of sichuan province, vice President of the summer performance grace fire current mobile phone pricing model, think "less than one minute by minute billing" approach, against the price law ", "consumer rights and interests protection law", "the government to establish the price hearing procedures, and the telecommunications regulations and other relevant laws and regulations.
According to the investigation of summer performance grace and calculation, mobile, telecommunications, unicom three big operators in 2010 amounted to RMB 876.364 billion of revenue, about 113.28 billion yuan of billing and corresponding is increased income; And share to that year 863 million cell phone users body, each user is not reasonable pricing model year more than the cost of collecting is 131.26 yuan.
Summer performance grace not reasonable suggestion cancel the current charging mode, according to the SEC charges or the conventional "round" principle billing.
According to the SEC charges of calling for, more than one summer performance grace. In the last month, Harbin city industrial and commercial bureau according to the second billing proposal, and started the "stop telecommunications charges not legal rules" action.
However, "according to the SEC, such as by the personage inside the telecommunications industry proposed long-term opposition. Not long ago, the people's post newspaper published and the paper points out that: "the vast majority of countries have no is executed with seconds billing, including South Korea, Japan still in 3 minutes for a billing unit. In fact, globally, the more is tend to flat rate, TaoCanZhi."
According to the calculation method of summer performance grace, the opposition is to show its calculation is not accurate, three big operators in 2010 amounted to RMB 876.364 billion of revenue, does not equal to mobile phone calls.
According to the personage inside the telecommunications industry says, from a technical perspective, the second billing is not difficult. The largest is the main debate cost, according to the points toll-collection devices transformed into the equipment according to the second billing to investment, although communications equipment manufacturers welcome the investment, but the money will end by consumer the burden.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

AT&T comprehensive data package called don't limit

The telecommunications giant AT&T recently issued new policies, to, all mobile data service users set the limit on consumption, overrun users will be encountered AT&T's speed limit punishment. This would mean, AT&T comprehensive called for a limited data service charges not mode.
Smart cellphones became popular, became one of the first American operators in the telecom business flow crisis. For ease of network flow pressure, AT&T company in 2010 in the United States to take the lead in introducing the FenDang billing data business rate plan, no longer to new net users not limited data package. But considering the needs of users of net insect level, AT&T has allowed the promise was not set limit to package user have that USES it. AT&T says, about 17 million users still in use without quantity combo. Previously, only for each service AT&T 5% of the "flow investors" implement the speed limit means, but with network flow pressure is increased, the AT&T finally will extend to all the users speed limit. AT&T says, 3 G users and users of the upper limit on consumption LTE respectively for the 3 GB and 5 GB. AT&T says, 3 GB data flow enough to let users download 1500 minutes video, or receiving 150000 e-mails.
AT&T's a spokesman said the official rules to eliminate the speed limit is on how and when consumers because will encounter the speed limit of confusion. Previously, consumer complaints will encounter the speed limit unprovoked. But AT&T is not releasing rate is down to how much. Have consumers said, after more than 5 GB cap rate after fell to 256 KBPS, which is only about a third of normal. In January, AT&T has the data business price adjustment. Months before the price of $25/2 GB flow adjustment to $30/3 GB flow, overrun every GB flow plus 10 dollars. Had not set limit to the monthly fee for $30.
The United States also a telecoms giant Verizon wireless is currently only 5% of the area of specific network heavy users implement the speed limit. And Sprint Nextel is called himself a real "no set limit to", never to set limit to package users implement the speed limit. And always with simple, all set to the characteristics of prepaid operators pack MetroPCS is says, is considering introducing FenDang pricing model to improve income.
In addition to change the price system, AT&T is also considering new use 2 G frequency band. The company started in recent weeks to its 2 G users wide hair negotiable notice, hope they turn to the 3 G network, and provide four of free mobile to choose. AT&T says, "you now use the old 2 G phones may be calling the phone in fault and, in some areas service quality will decline." AT&T says, want to stay 2 G users all turn to 3 G nets after full use of empty band segment.
AT&T and operators are now calling for the United States congress and the federal communications commission to release more wireless spectrum to ease U.S. telecom enterprise is generally the network capacity in pressure. American data flow crisis problem is getting worse. As data flow pressure climbed, AT&T, Verizon wireless, the largest U.S. several mobile operators began to iPhone data flow restrictions as smartphone Internet speed, causing the consumer complaints, some even to resort to the tribunal.

Monday, March 5, 2012

IPhone 4 S still for the United States is the most popular blackberry smartphone continue to slide

The United States Canaccord Genuity analyst at market research institutions Mike walker (Mike Walkley) report released Monday, February this year, apple iPhone 4 S still is the best selling smartphone.
In the report points out that the walker: "February data show that the apple iPhone sales in the United States is still the most strong, and competitors, the iPhone has increased share."
The samsung (the Po) of the Galaxy S II sales in the us also is very strong. Other popular smartphone includes the MOTOROLA Droid Razr Maxx, HTC and the Amaze, they can still run Microsoft Windows Phone operating system nokia (the Po) Lumia 710 smart phones.
According to the world of mobile communication conference (MWC) and supply chain of observation, walker raised himself on the smartphone shipments this year, estimates that before the 675 million expected from Taiwan, up from the current 695 million sets, and he also will function of the mobile phone is expected by 1.013 billion units shipments down to 974 million units.
The walker also pointed out that the apple this quarter in global mobile phone market share will reach 8.6%, samsung is 23%, while nokia will still rank high on the list, at 24.8%.
In the smart phone field, apple will be sold this quarter to 32.6 million units, a 23.7% share of the market; Or will be slightly behind samsung's 33.5 million units, a 24.3% share of the market. In addition the quarter cisco iOS operating system market share expected 23.7%, Android's market share is 52.7%. This quarter of Microsoft Windows Mobile market share will be 7.1%, will be the blackberry (the Po) after 8% of the operating system.
The walker also noted that in a new generation of blackberry products before launch, RIM's market share will continue to slide. He said: "BlackBerry market share might further down. RIM latest BlackBerry 7 smart cellphones-including the Bold 9900 and Cure 9360 sales are weak. And that Curve 9360 in the next several months sales slump will continue, despite a cheap Cure 9320 will be introduced in the next few months, but the shipment Bold 9900 sales are not good, Wall Street for RIM in fiscal 2013 assessment may be on the high side.
At present in all price points on the intensified competition, so the blackberry in fiscal 2013 will remain weak sales during the period of, this is mainly because RIM blackberry 10 products will be delayed until the second half of 2012 released in. Although in the MWC on congress, RIM has been stressing will increase subsidies and marketing of strength, but in the new product listing, blackberry's market share will have been declining, according to our smart phones to buy high-end consumer surveys show that most people have to turn to the apple iOS and Android operating system. "
He points out that the iPhone 4 S and Droid Razr Maxx the two product is "mobile operators Verizon pushed two product". Among them the Maxx long endurance is a popular features. Samsung's Galaxy Nexus is also a hot selling product, but the heat is a few weeks ago have been disappeared.
In the mobile operators AT&T, samsung's Galaxy SII and Galaxy Note all won the good praise. And the Vivid HTC evaluation pretty good also. But he still remind everybody buying Note before had better to look at the physical entity shop a decision on whether to buy, because the 5.3-inch large screen is not suitable for all users.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

MWC conference "reset the mobile phone" : four nuclear into the mainstream WP attack

By the end of February 3 in Barcelona earlier this month, the weather sunny, more than 10 degree temperatures and pleasant, in the air has slightly warm meaning. In 2012 the global mobile communications conference (MWC) has just ended in here, as the enthusiasm of cities, the MWC for the global technology enthusiasts too much surprise.
The the theme of the congress is to "define the mobile communication", actually, to "define cellphone" more exactly, the next year, from the hardware, the technology, the design, about all of the mobile phone will be in Barcelona lay fundamental key. Here is the next bets place, also be the place where dreams set sail, or is like nokia (the Po) printed on the words of the invitation-Barcelona adventure. This is doomed to be a "personal heroism type" adventure.
Redefine the mobile phone call "four nuclear" hero
Hardware to market is the inevitable choice
"This is the world's fastest smart phone!" "Speed and performance beast!" ...... Averted, huawei terminals chairman YuChengDong (the Po), chief executive ZhouYongMing HTC, in the early blog spoiling their release on MWC in shape. They have a common label, is one of the four nuclear smartphone.
Dual-core storm period also before long, fell overnight in the end level, each big mobile phone manufacturer is doomed to future with four nuclear honeymoon. The exhibition, manufacturers of hair the force can use almost "vastly" to describe. As huawei Ascend D quad series, for example, "four nuclear, power consumption, low 30% longer battery capacity, the world's most narrow 4.5 inch screen intelligent mobile phone", this is the selling point of it, YuChengDong revealed to the media, this series product launch, will let huawei terminals in the industry leading at least a year's time. Because Android mobile phone market competition has become white-hot, and product homogeneity is very serious, to the hardware to market has become inevitable choice. In a telecommunications expert made just view, as long as the MWC to feel the atmosphere, can foresee four nuclear handset will become future leading cellphone.
The same shine and NVIDIA Tegra3 quad-core chip. In addition to the independent research and development of huawei is the best four core processor sea, most brands are choice and Tegra3 in hand. Along with the performance of the double, power consumption is reduced greatly, so users can get swifter, higher endurance clear more long mobile experience. But the industry has revealed, code-named "batman" four nuclear upgrade edition Tegra4 has the research and development, more and more quickly replaced, will be the main melody smartphone ring.
Everyone flaunt oneself is the "world's first", who is this year's four nuclear hero? Huawei is the Ascend D quad series, or HTC One X? Is zte Era, or LG Optimus 4 X HD? Or is Fujitsu ARROWS series? We'll have to wait and see.
Redefine the mobile phone call "design" hero
Infatuated with no "parameters standard" of the process
"Mobile phone not to sell mobile phone, but sell life." This is the chairman WangXueGong HTC in during MWC repeated to reporter mentioned topics. Selling what kind of life? Of course is to design and innovation.
Once upon a time, in order to engineer for leading mobile phone enterprise culture, the design is often be as dispensable decoration, but when the iPhone after the monolith, all talents suddenly realize, the original configuration, technology or anything is fleeting, by design can earn's got more money than god. MWC, SONY Ericsson (the Po) formally announced the renamed SONY mobile, the new CEO flat well clear will highlight the future "one SONY" strategy, spare no effort to ensure the success of SONY's move, whether internal or external, only a SONY. In the Pacific Ocean computer nets famous moderator HouDan opinion, SONY moving first show, go not configuration route, but with beautiful industrial design is given priority to. Whether a single chip aluminum material Xperia P, or concise Xperia U and Xperia S, call us a surprise. And let the tablet computer and smart cellphones with a moving through the base can realize seamless docking asus Padfone, also is the design concept to win.
No wonder in the hardware of the s violent fierce, still has many insiders timely poured cold water: in infatuated with faster and stronger, more thin, greater than the, users can also have another choice, that is infatuated with no "parameters standard" process design.
Redefine the mobile phone call "WP" hero
Admit that mobile is the Microsoft problems needed to resolve
The MWC, visitors keen to play a game is WindowsPhone speed challenge, as long as beat a challenge the task, she can take away 100 euro bonus. With the nokia Lumia900 and Lumia610 release, plus the Lumia800 before and Lumia710, nokia's product line now has four WP at money. Can't wait to pull out of Orbit and walking the walk zte, LG Miracle the stars such as machine. There is no denying the fact that at present WindowsPhone system still exist such problems, model less, application, less hardware configuration is not high, do not support front camera, etc, but Microsoft has realized that establish a terminal of the importance of the ecosystem. The village securities analyst rick XieLanDe eyes, the MWC frequently attack, "equivalent to admit that mobile is the Microsoft urgent need to resolve problems."
2012 is the first Windowsphone, cooperate with the release of windows8, Microsoft platform strategy will all open. But Microsoft and should not be satisfied with just WindowsPhone when a Android and apple made person, but there are more lofty goals.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Push new brand of telecom intended for iPhone 4 S expand young users

On March 2, news, cast in selling iPhone 4 S eve, China telecom (the Po) introduced to a new Young users brand TianYi "fly Young", it is reported, this is also the Chinese telecom for iPhone 4 S users an important, China telecom hope iPhone 4 S will to Young fashion user outspread, and no longer just high-end users.
Brand new fighting dynamic zone
March 1,, China telecom released its launch "fly Young" Young brand, especially for Young fashion user groups. According to the view of China telecom, China mobile phone market, between the ages of 21-30, 70.5% share of the user. "Fly Young" Young brand it is was born, is China telecom future for Young user important tool.
In fact, with the arrival of the era of 3 G, smart phones by students to become the most popular mobile terminal group, one of the young college students give priority to users will be locked for 3 G smartphone potential consumer groups and the future of the mainstream consumer groups.
Obviously, 3 G era, young main consumption group market three operators is a battleground. And in this market segment operators of the competition strategy have change. And before the price of pure and FuWuZhan routines different, operators have changed divergency route, use of their own advantages, and actively individualistic brand drive sales policy.
Therefore, China telecom also aimed at Young users launch "fly Young" Young brand and China mobile (the Po) move feeling to state to compete.
Telecom version of the iPhone 4 S hope to attract young users
Investigation shows, in China's iPhone users, 70.5% of the age distribution in the 18-30 years old between, the average age at about 28 years old, and, apple iPhone users, 55.6% have bachelor degree or above. Therefore, China telecom's iPhone 4 S will vigorously expanded to young users. In addition to network covers the absolute superiority, China telecom's iPhone 4 S fees and package in the price, as an advantage, the preferential benefit, introductory packages only 49 yuan package, as it happens and young the needs of the users are identical with each other.
China telecom will be announced in early March 9 will begin to iPhone 4 S open to booking, cast in the iPhone 4 S before open to booking, China telecom launch "fly Young" Young brand, are obviously can't time points so coincidence.
The industry estimates, China's iPhone users should have more than 12 million homes, but because the iPhone before the price, making a high-end users and main iPhone fashionable white-collar's exclusive mobile phone, but in fact, with the development of smart phones, young people want to use the iPhone proportion more and more high, analysts pointed out that with smart cellphones to rapidly promote the ability of the video entertainment and social change functions strengthened, is expected to future 1-2 years, 20-30 young users will also in intelligent user groups at an advantage, but with a significant portion of the young users to demand iPhone. (

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Huawei plans this year sales of 60 million smart phones

012 Barcelona mobile communication meeting the world (MWC), huawei (the Po) launched two models of blockbuster end products: four nuclear cellphone with four nuclear flat Ascend Dquad MediaPad 10 FHD, are carried huawei independent design and quad-core chip.
Among them, the four nuclear intelligent phone A scendD quad carrying the world fastest, smallest, heating the lowest four nuclear mobile processor K 3 V 2. And 10 "four nuclear tablet computer M ediaPad10FH D is the world so far the quickest and video performance ability the strongest four nuclear tablet computer. Two product all is expected in the second quarter of this year in the global market sale, the first listed area including China, Europe, Asia Pacific, etc.
Huawei plan this year will be smart cellphone sales last year from huawei 20 million sets of increased to 50 million to 60 million units. Huawei terminals chairman YuChengDong (the Po) said: "our mobile phone brand is not known, but our product is the best." So this year will be in huawei terminals to promote the brand with the power on.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Domestic smart phones with popular local supporting industry chain rise

Since open, with zte huawei (the Po) out of a number of large single chip purchase for representative, MWC exhibition new marked a listed in 2012, intelligent cellphone market growth and competition curtain formally lifted. In addition to is the biggest smartphone to develop the market, the biggest smartphone besides production base, China mobile phone industry of supporting local also started to move, to share market cake. Most "first" case in touch suite industry-- "into an intelligent terminal, with low time huawei zte, as a representative of the domestic ZhongDiDuan smartphone growth, for rare type of the cost control of strong demand, in the mainland touch enterprise production release and technology improve under the background of the local touch, leading manufacturer in domestic supply chain of Taiwan intelligent terminals in giant alternative process is accelerated, touch module purchasing localization trend to shape." Wide hair negotiable securities recently to a report that the 2012 intelligent terminal touch industry purchasing localization jiancheng trend. It also has some of the Taiwan research institutions attention, and the origin of the Chinese mainland touch industry rise, would first of Taiwan similar industry constitute a shock.
Touch industry smartphone explosive growth benefit
Market Research institutions T ransparency Market Research's latest report showed that in 2011, the global tablet computer sales for 67 million sets, a 2010 increase of 276.5%, to 2015, will reach 2. 4.9 billion units, the average compound annual growth rate will reach 38.8%. It is estimated that by 2015 including Japan, Asia Pacific tablet computer sales will account for 35.3% of the world. In 2011, the global tablet computer has already reach 81.2 million, is expected to end of 2015 the number will reach 389 million units.
Smart phones, global sales in 2011 for 4. Of 6.9 billion, compared with 2010 282 million of 66.7% growth. Expect 2015 will reach 1.048 billion department, which accounted for 39.5% of the asia-pacific region, the average compound annual growth rate will reach 36.3%. 2011 of them in the fourth quarter in the apple iPhone 4 S about 36.1 million department of strong sales promotion, global smartphone has sold more than 2008 years in the year. Wide hair negotiable securities research reported that, in the age of the intelligent into the background, the domestic mobile market in the same popularity smartphone tide. According to statistics, 2011 time for smart phones FaHuoLiang reached 20 million units, zte (the Po) smartphone FaHuoLiang also have 12 million sets, an increase by more than 500%.
"There is no doubt that smart phone business will be the two companies focus direction in the next few years." Sanofi-aventis's market research agency predicts this year will total sales in domestic market jumped to 1. 6.4 billion department, in 2011 the base on doubled, ZhongDiDuan smart phones will account for 84% of domestic smartphone increment. Again see representative enterprise zte huawei, the former will have new smartphone shipments at 25 million department, huawei terminals in more in &equipment shouted out 60 million of the intelligent terminals in the sales target.
This kind of from mainland China enterprise leading the smart phone market growth new, are also Taiwan practitioners to see in the eye. Recent media reports say there is a, as huawei, zte and lenovo, the three big main smartphone walk quantity brand launched a number of smart cellphones, the market rate considerably. This view, the trend will benefit the first touch suite industry. In this respect, has been Taiwan enterprises have traditional advantage, but is now be mainland China related enterprise from the catch.
Wide hair negotiable securities research report also will be an intelligent terminal of the first increase beneficiaries, positioning in the touch industry.
Lu enterprises have strength alternative Taiwan companies
"We believe that the continent has been achieved in the touch industry a good beginning: on one hand, as huawei zte, as a representative of the domestic ZhongDiDuan smartphone growth tumbled type and, to some extent, ensure the end demand; on the other hand, the mainland touch industry mature and grow start and accelerating local touch in domestic leading manufacturers of the supply chain to Taiwan intelligent terminals, instead of the giant, purchasing localization jiancheng trend, the mainland touch industry growth thus get strong support." But the report also mentioned but with much of the capacity of the arrival release period, the second half of industry competition will again tend to be intense.
Special report with zte communications since last year touch components purchasing examples, this paper expounds the mainland touch industry development opportunities. "In 2011 the manufacturers in mainland touch module before production, zte communications most products came from Taiwan giant T PK, Wintek, animal husbandry dongguang electricity, etc. And land to the touch, leading tech treasure indirect supply capacity nervous, LiGuoJi believe apple limited touch capacity was huawei bag. But with the mainland touch factory productivity gradually release, including ultrasound electronics, yu shun electronic, high-tech, deep tianma, treasure and offee light etc in its enterprise to supply system." Metaphor, mainland China touch module has been completely can "a", alternative Taiwan similar products, bottleneck in new capacity is only just.
And this kind of situation since the second half of last year began to ease since, the main reason is that the mainland touch module manufacturers capacity into began to enter into the return period. The report finds that as homebred brand in the consumer electronics terminals to enhance the participation, and that supporting mainland touch industry gradually mature, in the lower touch the overall cost, at the request of the trend of domestic alternative has accelerated. "Since last year since the last quarter, the domestic terminal large quantity order to mainland China giant, touch, touch module manufacturer has happened supply shortages, the mainland touch of manufacturer of a share in the steady rise."
Malaises to hide behind in the footsteps
In China the rapid rise of the competitors, Taiwan electronic industry research institutions to local enterprise future development, put forward the concerns. Even with a view of mainland China touch panel factory still to supply the mainland terminal operator is given priority to, but also has been some started more early, higher technical level of the companies enter the international main brand success giant supply chain (to apple as a representative), among them with glass type touch sensors to give priority to.
The domestic research institutions electronic industry analysts BaiDongYi cloud consultation also agree with this view, he thinks the technology quality relative leading China enterprise, not only in the mainland market developing rapidly, Taiwan companies for more began to overseas brand order. And this part of the order, especially from the apple part of itself as a brand endorsed, let more downstream producers and brand, concentrate on the Chinese mainland touch module manufacturers body.
However, this does not mean that the mainland touch module could already be enterprise and Taiwan, Japan, Korea enterprise stand in the same height. Its still exists the problem of core technology is relatively backward, the core competitive force of the enterprise and LianFa division (micro Po) chip, zte huawei cellphone, built on the basis of high performance to price ratio.
BaiDongYi have argued that the current mainland enterprises to get the big frequently single blowout is largely because the market demand. That is, as long as the quality is unqualified, how many goods have companies to pay. This situation is not easy to reflect the domestic enterprise and Taiwan, Japan, Korea, enterprise technology gap. If this time mainland enterprises will be too much time and energy and resources in the capacity expansion, reduce the investment in research and development on the hard to avoid, which is unfavorable for the long-term development. Especially the future market demand bottleneck generated after, possible excess capacity problems. Wide hair negotiable securities research report also pointed out, the mainland touch industry "unconventional" remaining, should consider "the boom of industry lower than expected," "touch products Maori slipping" and "technical route" behind the risk.

Monday, February 27, 2012

2012 mobile world congress opened yesterday mobile phone control household appliances technology rise

Four-day 2012 Mobile World Congress (Mobile World Congress, hereinafter referred to as the "MWC) held yesterday in Barcelona, Spain.
This year's conference MWC "define the mobile communication" as the theme, including samsung (the Po), LG, HTC, MOTOROLA (the Po), nokia (the Po), such as huawei, a large number of cellphone manufacturers will bring its latest products. Like Microsoft and operators close cooperation, and the new launch Windows smartphone. Nokia also unwilling fall behind, stories that nokia will release the new products, on the invitation only write "Barcelona's adventure", media speculation will be tablet computer.
Britain's "daily telegraph" web site KanWen said yesterday, in this year's mobile world congress in Barcelona, mobile communications industry will appear 3 big trends, respectively for mobile payment, Google andros platform of rapid development, and mobile service of family.
Mobile payment
Many companies has launched mobile payment services to help users to mobile phones substitute bank card. Barclaycard, Visa and Google are involved in this market, and it was a market that has great development potential. Earlier this month, the Barclaycard launched Pinglt applications, cellphone and bank account directly bind together.
Mobile payment can also and coupons together, and help service provider for consumer consumption of real-time information. Mobile operators have been introduced the Nice Orange system, and in the light of the UK users introduced a Quick Tap Treats feedback project. The personage inside course of study thinks, the industry's biggest challenge is, how to persuade users to give up the use of credit CARDS and cash.
Andros boom
In this year's MWC, almost all of the important product release will be based on Google andros platform. Only Microsoft and nokia with a different mobile platform, but they share of the market is still very low. Many analysts began to focus on mobile operators and platform between manufacturers of conflict. As Google acquisition MOTOROLA mobile transactions completed, the outside world will focus on whether Google will be modelled on the apple ways of development, as well as developing software and hardware.
Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt (Eric Schmidt) will be in on the lecture. CCS Insight analyst Ben Wood (Ben Wood) expected, schmidt will not to address the MOTOROLA mobile news. However, even if Google to manufacture its own mobile devices, apple do not worried.
Mobile service of family
The MWC on a hot spot of concern will be the communication between machine and machine, such as mobile phones and the interaction between the security system. This will bring more complex automation, the user can use application future perhaps to open the lamp of his home. Simply be smart phones, home appliances and other control TV equipment. The audience will be in the mobile world congress see this trend, and apple and Google no doubt are crucial in this field.
MOTOROLA mobile is very concerned about this field, so Google acquisition MOTOROLA mobile comply with the company's "family Android" strategy. Google this strategy will initially be provide streaming media music service, and the next step will be more complex. MWC release on cellphone may not be very important, and the mobile communication industry in the future will to a user's whole life.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

SONY to return to the smartphone market launch two of new Android

SONY announced on Sunday to tap into intelligent mobile phone market, released the first paragraph SONY own brand of smart cellphones. But SONY warned that the company will not be like the transformation brand restructuring so quickly.
Flat well lady (Kazuo Hirai) on April 1 to replace Howard, JinGe (Howard Stringer) as SONY's new CEO. Flat well lady said, although management changes have already won the support, but "to everyone who be responsible for clear which job", but also cost a struggle.
Well in Barcelona flat at the mobile world congress communication (hereinafter referred to as "MWC") on an interview: "to the outside world in April 1, we come up with a solution to the company all the problems with the current plan is looking forward. But we won't have this solution." SONY's previous release performance warning, is expected to this fiscal year will losses of $2.9 billion, it will be the fourth consecutive year of losses.
Financial situation is not good let flat well under lady from investors and rating agencies pressure, they asked for flat well quickly to SONY monogamy bleeding and reverse the decline of performance of the company is flagging. Flat well in meeting the MWC released two models of SONY own brand new Android smart phone: Xperia P and Xperia U.
SONY announced last October, will purchase Ericsson held SONY Ericsson (the Po) 50% of the shares. The deal has February 16 finish, SONY Ericsson into SONY wholly owned subsidiaries, and changed its name to SONY's mobile communications, Albert nord's (Bert Nordberg) served as President and CEO. Bloomberg nord from 2009 to and acted as SONY Ericsson CEO.
Nordic's peace well lady are stressed that they will be in Barcelona transfer an important message that SONY to return to smartphone business. Flat well lady also said SONY mobile communication will be fully integrated into the SONY's. He said: "SONY mobile communication with SONY's other company must keep the same step. It may be an independent company entities, but our operation and collaborative approach must be transparent and seamless, make them like a company."
Well lady also specifically mentioned flat Sony's PlayStation and other game product is responsible for the Sony Computer Entertainment business (Sony Computer Entertainment). SONY computer entertainment although is an independent entity, but SONY in discussing products and unified user experience, will give consideration to, all business, SONY computer entertainment is no exception.
He said: "I imagine a SONY mobile communication also in this way operation." Flat well lady says, in order to achieve this goal, related is already underway, but he did not give details.
Flat well lady said, he had identified SONY future focus on four developing pillar, or core business digital imaging and games; Will move equipment and SONY, content and services other technology in integration; Turn the TV business got into trouble in games; Vigorously develop medical equipment for new business.
Nordic's peace all think well lady, SONY Ericsson and hold the same shares is SONY Ericsson won't run smoothly important reasons, this kind of equity structure cause decision speed and the pace of the slowdown in the market. Nordic sulzberger said: "each 50% equity practice brings problems. We will never take this pattern."
Flat well lady said, SONY's priority is have a number of smart cellphone products, and ensure that they are operators and cooperation "as soon as possible to the user hand". Nordic sulzberger said: "this is a competitive and dynamic industry. In this industry, each week is a new era, each competitor will be announced the launch of new products, so is very competitive."

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Japanese smartphone penetration rate seventy percent use only 17% mobile media

According to foreign media on Thursday, according to market research institutions comScore recently released report shows, the countries of the intelligent cellphone users have begun to gradually transcends the number of mobile phone users to use traditional, and at the same time, consumer also entered a higher stage: that most people use mobile equipment, not just use the phone function.
ComScore said in a report released Thursday, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, the United States and Britain and other countries, according to the survey, the utilization rate of mobile media has exceeded the 50% mark, this means that more than half of mobile equipment users will use the smart phones to access to the network, download the application and the Internet content.
But this does not mean that the smart phone number of how many can and mobile media is the utilization rate of says. In fact, the survey also found that mobile media utilization rate is top countries just is the country with the lowest smart phone penetration rate.
According to comScore statistics, in Japan to have 76.2% of the population to use mobile media services, but surprisingly, Japanese smartphone penetration rate is only 17%. In Britain and the United States, intelligent mobile phone penetration rate were 51.3% and 41.8% respectively, and the two countries cellphone users access to mobile media respectively the ratio of only 56.6% and 55.2%. More is ironic, Japan is the first mobile media promotion of the country. Japan wireless operators DoCoMo early in 1990 to launch the voice calls and text message service outside of the mobile media services.
ComScore is pointed out, these diversified services and equipment for traditional cell phone instead of smart phone manufacturers into Japan formed a "barriers". Because the Japanese users not to through intelligent phones to access more network services. ComScore says, because Android and iOS have dominated Japanese smartphone market share of 94.1%, so other smart phones in Japan's promotion will be facing a very tough challenges, the only way is only price war.
Another comScore report also points out that although global most users will use mobile devices access to the network, but with PC of the amount of time online, compared the proportion of the former or trivial. ComScore points out, in the last 12 months, cell phone use, tablet computer and other mobile devices the proportion of Internet time were 5.2%, 2.5% and 0.5%, and together is only 8.2%, while the rest of the ratio is for PC Internet time occupied. The poll results in other countries also are roughly equal.
Another interesting phenomenon is, according to comScore's survey showed that, despite the Android platform is the highest penetration rate, but look from whole, apple products but comfortably in the U.S. in 2011 mobile equipment of sales of the top three, at the same time also occupied European countries mobile device sales before the two. So, despite the Android platform is the winner, apple is a great victory in the equipment.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Apple iPhone voice mail system by the patent infringement litigation

According to the American science and technology information web site CNET reports, American Pennsylvania company Brandywine Communications Technologies (hereinafter referred to as "Brandywine") on Wednesday charged apple voice mail system infringement.
On Wednesday in the U.S. state of Florida Brandywine district court action submitted, said apple infringed its two relevant speech technology patent, and seek economic compensation, but did not ask the courts to ban related products sales.
According to the blog GigaOm website for science and technology of the litigation document information, action involved the two the patent number of the patent is respectively
No. 5719992 and No. 6236717, involved were "simultaneous voice/data recording" technology. The patent document describes "which can coordinate audio recording and PC of speech information and data information storage", users want to send E-mail to search the such information.
Brandywine said apple at least since it opened on December 13, 2011 will know that before a patent infringement, because Brandywine was sent to the apple announcements. Apple has not be immediately could not be reached for comment.
The litigation related to apple products include the first generation iPhone to the fourth generation iPhone, but did not mention iPhone 4 S. Interestingly, in a document also Brandywine respectively for the iPhone 4 will be the mark, iPhone 3, iPhone 2, iPhone 1. IPhone 4 just used lists chart technology, but also be included in the list of infringing products. The lawsuit also covered the apple iPad 1 and iPad 2, although two of tablet computer not the phone application, but the voice mail installed the software.
This isn't an apple voice mail system, for the first time to prosecution. In December 2007, in the first generation iPhone a few months after release, Klausner Technologies company sues apple and AT&T infringe upon the "visual voicemail" patent, this function when only its iPhone. In the middle of 2008, apple, AT&T and Klausner Technologies reach a settlement, but specific settlement amount has not been disclosed

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Nokia smartphone Lumia in Europe is very popular

According to foreign media reports on Thursday, although Windows Phone cellphone sales in the us is few, even Microsoft (the Po) also announced ashamed to relevant data, but in Europe is much better. Some recent data show that nokia (the Po) Lumia mobile phone in Europe's sales situation very well.
European wireless operator Orange said Lumia 800 has become the most popular mobile phone of Austria. According to the market research institutions Kantar WorldPanel report showed that the Lumia 800 in London by the sellers influence, Windows Phone 7 in the local market share has increased to 2.2%, and the same period a year ago is only 0.4%. And market research institutions Canalys data show that the fourth quarter of 2011, Lumia smartphone sales in Germany to 200000 units, and become the largest in Lumia shipments.
Canalys analyst Peter KangNingHai (Pete Cunningham) pointed out that, indeed, europeans, americans have been more like nokia mobile phones, so "for nokia is concerned, Europe is the traditional advantage, however, since the iPhone market since the launch, nokia started under pressure, since then spectre. Nokia began to find himself in the position of struggling, but now the nokia start taking the Renaissance of the first step."
KangNingHai also point out that nokia new Lumia smart cellphone sales than expected in London, which is mainly attributed to Orange to promote sales. Microsoft now, nokia and Orange has teamed up with, all signed two years to buy Lumia 800 users, can also get free psu on XBOX 360.
Although the nokia in Italy is a good news, but fell to reverse the decline nokia still has a long way to go. While smart phones and will traditional cell phone and statistics of words, nokia is still the world's largest maker of mobile phones, but the company in the mobile phone market dominance is increasingly weakened. According to the market research institutions to provide the data Gartner showed that in 2010, nokia's share of the in the mobile market is 28.9%, and by 2011 it only 23.8%. At the same time, but apple has become the world's largest intelligent mobile operators.
Nokia's Lumia 900 will be the company Windows Phone cellphone into the American market a test, expected the products will be in the next few months in the United States promoting, and by the American operators AT&T exclusive distribution. But the current nokia has not been revealed the selling price of the product, said only the company to Lumia 900 taken "very positive" pricing strategy.