Thursday, February 23, 2012

Japanese smartphone penetration rate seventy percent use only 17% mobile media

According to foreign media on Thursday, according to market research institutions comScore recently released report shows, the countries of the intelligent cellphone users have begun to gradually transcends the number of mobile phone users to use traditional, and at the same time, consumer also entered a higher stage: that most people use mobile equipment, not just use the phone function.
ComScore said in a report released Thursday, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, the United States and Britain and other countries, according to the survey, the utilization rate of mobile media has exceeded the 50% mark, this means that more than half of mobile equipment users will use the smart phones to access to the network, download the application and the Internet content.
But this does not mean that the smart phone number of how many can and mobile media is the utilization rate of says. In fact, the survey also found that mobile media utilization rate is top countries just is the country with the lowest smart phone penetration rate.
According to comScore statistics, in Japan to have 76.2% of the population to use mobile media services, but surprisingly, Japanese smartphone penetration rate is only 17%. In Britain and the United States, intelligent mobile phone penetration rate were 51.3% and 41.8% respectively, and the two countries cellphone users access to mobile media respectively the ratio of only 56.6% and 55.2%. More is ironic, Japan is the first mobile media promotion of the country. Japan wireless operators DoCoMo early in 1990 to launch the voice calls and text message service outside of the mobile media services.
ComScore is pointed out, these diversified services and equipment for traditional cell phone instead of smart phone manufacturers into Japan formed a "barriers". Because the Japanese users not to through intelligent phones to access more network services. ComScore says, because Android and iOS have dominated Japanese smartphone market share of 94.1%, so other smart phones in Japan's promotion will be facing a very tough challenges, the only way is only price war.
Another comScore report also points out that although global most users will use mobile devices access to the network, but with PC of the amount of time online, compared the proportion of the former or trivial. ComScore points out, in the last 12 months, cell phone use, tablet computer and other mobile devices the proportion of Internet time were 5.2%, 2.5% and 0.5%, and together is only 8.2%, while the rest of the ratio is for PC Internet time occupied. The poll results in other countries also are roughly equal.
Another interesting phenomenon is, according to comScore's survey showed that, despite the Android platform is the highest penetration rate, but look from whole, apple products but comfortably in the U.S. in 2011 mobile equipment of sales of the top three, at the same time also occupied European countries mobile device sales before the two. So, despite the Android platform is the winner, apple is a great victory in the equipment.

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