Monday, April 9, 2012

Analysis says nokia need not shake apple simply overwhelm RIM blackberry

, market research firm Forrester analyst Sarah Rowe toman · YiPuSi (Sarah Rottman Epps) published on Thursday, a blog post says, nokia (the Po) don't need to be able to shake the smart phone market iPhone "killer", but should focus on overwhelm RIM blackberry (the Po).
Nokia 900 mobile phone on April 8, AT&T's listed in retail stores, many critics will this phone and apple iPhone 4 S compare, says it can not compare with the latter.
YiPuSi says, she is nokia Windows Phone mobile Phone supporters, and urged that nokia to be successful does not need to beat apple. She points out that nokia should with RIM blackberry users as the goal, try to "in two years will each a blackberry user is" into Windows Phone users. She further points out that: "blackberry users to pay for data itself has, so far, they will consciously or unconsciously choose not to buy an apple or Google ecological system."
YiPuSi says, Microsoft (the Po) have a chance to take in the smart phone market RIM occupied the small share, and transformed "part of" still in use nokia mobile phone users saiban. According to market research firm IDC statistics released, RIM is currently in the global smartphone market share of 8.2%.
YiPuSi pointed out: "smart phone market has matured to the point where will split, Palm is dead, and both saiban th xishan, thin RIM shambling, ecological system (except for Google and apple beyond) all of the men in all hope to have a third company Google and apple into the middle."

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

RIM blackberry in India to boost sales price: the highest of 27%

Blackberry (the Po) mobile phone manufacturer RIM (RIMM) announced on Wednesday that the part has smart phone models in India have cut the price of as much as 27% to jumpstart the the world's second largest mobile phone market sales.
India is currently only a few RIM growth one of the market, the company is faced with the apple iPhone and Android mobile phone from the fierce competition.
RIM said, the price cut involves four of smart phones, including entry-level Curve 8520, the latter is the most popular of the India market intelligence type, cut prices for 18%, to 8999 rupees ($180); Torch 9860 models the price by 26.7%, to 21990 rupees. Two two models of price cut machine is Curve 9360 and Curve 9380.
RIM India Sunil Dutt business managing director, said the four section type constitute the company's Indian sales of about 60%, the blackberry in local young people are very popular.
According to India CyberMedia Research estimates that RIM India smart phones occupy 15% market share, ranking third, behind nokia (the Po) of 38%, and samsung (the Po) of 28%.
Smart phones currently accounts for 6% of the total sales in the Indian mobile phone, local mobile phone users is very sensitive to prices, most people only used to make a phone call and mobile phone text messages. However, the market is growing rapidly, mobile phone last year total sales rose 87% to 11.2 million department.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Domestic handset exclamation artificial cost rise: hold not pay tax for market

"We in the burning platform in the competition." Yesterday, a state-owned holding electronic enterprise of relevant personage to "the first financial daily reporter said, the first quarter of this year, the mobile phone industry to accelerate intelligent upgrade, a fiercely competitive, macro economic environment and bad, mobile phone firms generally not do.
According to the latest data from the national bureau of statistics, this year 1 ~ 2 months, state-owned enterprise profits into downlink channel, national scale above in industrial enterprises, computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing profits down 40.8%.
A domestic handset enterprise controller admitted, "the situation about". He said that, this year, the European debt crisis that factors such as China mobile phone exports is much impact, this enterprise mobile phone exports goes down 20% ~ 30%.
Domestic mobile phone market is in transition, apple, samsung and HTC smartphone brand such as part of the larger, domestic brand share has been nibbling. In the traditional function mobile phone field, by state-owned enterprises and the impact of the fortress machine. "The stronghold machine need not pay tax, we are regular tax, market competition bad." The chief sighed.
In the sales contract at the same time, costs are rising, which is mainly artificial cost. The chief says, since this year coastal areas of the factory labor costs 20% year-on-year. With the industrial transfer and urbanization advance, many migrant workers in the home can find a job, even a bit lower wages than coastal, but local low cost of living. So, we must raise wages to keep migrant workers.
The state-owned enterprise is also not the day of the computer. A large state-owned electronic enterprise a top tell our newspaper, the rise in the cost of materials and artificial, a certain relationship. National construction harmonious society, it will have to raise their wages. The Spring Festival this year home workers unless a raise in salary, or are not willing to return to shenzhen factory.
Raw material costs also have certain to rise. Thailand by flood impact, the end of last year the cost of computer hard drive rose 200 to 300 yuan, and the cost of computer hard drive accounts for about 5% of the cost of ~ 10% overall. So far, the hard drive cost has dropped slightly.
The top also speculation, in the first two months of this year industry profits drop forty percent, may also and overall situation about last year. He said, the staff's year-end bonus and general in the following takes issue. If the gains in the current year, the cost will be prepared on the dial; If the gains in the current year is bad, the expenses that year no plan, directly affecting the following year profit.
"2011 isn't ideal situation." The senior said, because of the hard drive the global assembly line in Thailand, Thailand in the latter half of last year the outbreak, the impact of the upstream and downstream shipment, make domestic hard disk parts and computer sales of the whole machine are reduced. In addition, the European debt crisis also make computer demand weakened. So, estimates that 2011 annual staff of many enterprise takes and bonuses are directly from 2012 account of extraction

Monday, March 26, 2012

Samsung into Taiwan's largest mobile phone manufacturer apple, followed by HTC

From Taiwan retail channel data show that the February this year, samsung (the Po), apple and HTC is Taiwan market three mobile phone manufacturer, total market share to 60%.
According to the shipments calculation, the Galaxy S II and Galaxy Note and the promotion of the smart phones, samsung in February in Taiwan mobile phone market share of 31%, in first. Next is the apple and HTC, market share between 23% and 24%.
According to the sales volume, apple in first, market share of 30%. Samsung placed second, market share, close to 30%. HTC third, the market share of 23.5%.
Top 10 best-selling in Taiwan in mobile phone models, with seven of apple, samsung and HTC from. Although nokia (the Po) trying to Lumia series ascension market share, but this February in Taiwan's market share has dropped to 10% the following, for its history.
Nokia fourth market share slightly higher than in fifth row of SONY. Although SONY, MOTOROLA (the Po) mobile and LG in the Android market has made some achievements, but in overall smartphone market, competition ability still not as good as samsung and HTC.
At the same time, cool, such as huawei and zte mainland mobile phone manufacturer use the price advantage became the powerhouse.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Microsoft to make China the iPhone sales WP mobile phone

Microsoft (the Po) recently released in China market official Windows Phone operating system. Microsoft hopes to depend on Windows Phone Tango system to the China price sensitive attract intelligent mobile Phone users.
Microsoft CEO in the greater China region LiangNianJian (the Po) hope, in the Chinese market, and Windows Phone mobile Phone first in sales can more than iPhone, in the long run than Android mobile Phone, become the leader of the market.
Windows Phone mobile Phone has not be widely accepted in the American market. And like Android, Windows Phone aim at high price is not smart Phone market, so as to promote growth, and in emerging markets such as China and India market share.
Apple and Google (the Po) now will China as smart phones business growth next source. Expect 2012 China will become the world's largest smartphone market.
Microsoft now in the U.S. smartphone market down 2 to 3 years, but there is still a chance that Microsoft in China and other emerging market share for more. IDC estimates that by 2016, Microsoft in China smartphone market share will reach 20%, higher than the 16% apple. But Windows Phone more than Android difficulty bigger, the latter in the China market has gained high market share, many cheap smartphones using different versions of Android system.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

4 G phones full of hot air: encounter network and battery double constraints

3 G mobile phone is in the ascendant, 4 G phones and storm. On the market, nokia (the Po), HTC, samsung (the Po) each big cell phone manufacturers have launched 4 G products, and in the end not long ago MWC 2012 mobile world congress, 4 G terminal and application of the parties is the focus of attention.
However, 4 G phones development condition is still not forming. The American market research firm NPD recently released report says, although it may have all kinds of 4 G high speed network was set up to, but in fact most new mobile phone don't support 4 G network. And the issuance of licenses for domestic 4 G also there is no explicit date. 4 G network and technology is not mature, 4 G mobile phone battery life ability for serious trouble by factors such as 4 G mobile phone in the large scale development. Despite the huge development prospect, but for the moment, 4 G mobile phone of mass popularity need more time.
4 G smartphone coming to the forefront
The popularity of the 3 G network bring 3 G smartphones in the rapid development, with 4 G LTE technology development, the 4 G terminal has emerged.
Nokia had in the United States at the consumer electronics show in Las Vegas (CES) released Windows Phone a new generation of flagship product Lumia 900. This machine by the United States the largest operators AT&T sold exclusively, is nokia's first LTE 4 G technology support smart phone. HTC is also layout and 4 G market actively the facilitator. The world's first launched 4 G mobile phone network support HTC EVO 4 G after, HTC recently issued new smart phone-LTE Titan Ⅱ HTC. Following nokia, HTC, was booming development of cell phone manufacturers samsung recently to 4 G preemption market opportunities, and will also introduce a code for "Mandel" 4 G LTE Windows smartphone.
It is not difficult to find that, in 4 G network under the accelerated development, carrying a 4 G network terminal is seen as a future mobile phone market's largest cake. Especially in the U.S. market, 4 G smartphone competition becomes increasingly fierce, samsung, LG, MOTOROLA (the Po), the brand such as HTC 4 G smartphone rob food in succession, and the apple iPhone 4 S is one of America's most popular 4 G phones. According to NPD market survey data, 4 G models (including support, WiMAX and HSPA + LTE) last year in the fourth quarter, to the United States accounted for 35% of the smart phone sales, and the Numbers in the same period last year is only 6%.
4 G phones on the market is very hot, also in the industry, 4 G terminal is also strong limelight. In the urbane communication mobile phone industry vane "famous MWC 2012 show, the most eye-catching light is 4 G LTE technology. The conference is the most popular LTE theme, all of the terminal, application and technology in all around this aspect to develop, mobile phone manufacturing enterprise with some also launched 4 G phones, the network, application, terminal fusion up. For example, on two main of zte 4 G LTE phone-PF200 and N910, in mobile digital life, mobile payment, hd multimedia and other aspects of performance are embodied in technological advantages. HTC HTC OneX flagship products also configuration of the qualcomm chip LTE.
At present 4 G LTE network has been popular in foreign countries. With the global operators accelerate 4 G network layout, 4 G smartphone will also be on the cell phone market is a beautiful beautiful scenery.
4 G phones development still save shackles
Despite the good development prospect of 4 G industry, but for the moment, 4 G smartphone concept far outweigh the practical significance, and its development there exist many constraints.
First of all, 4 G terminal although grab an eye but stunt the majority. The American market research firm NPD has issued a report, although may have all kinds of 4 G high speed network was set up to, but in fact most new mobile phone don't support 4 G network. The report shows that even under the most relaxed 4 G network definition, the United States last year sold on the market of smart phones only 35% is in the 4 G network running on. Although the percentage was 6% higher than the same period last year, but still means that nearly two thirds of smartphones in support 3 G network. In other words, 3 G smartphones is still current market mainstream.
China has also is such. On one hand, 3 G smartphones occupy the absolute end market share. 3 G network development and popularization, gave birth to the fiery 3 G smartphone market. Data shows that in the year 2011, China 3 G users increased by 80.469 million for a total breakthrough of 128 million. Some experts expect after the end of 2011 after sprint, China 3 G penetration rate can reach about 14%, or 2012 can achieve 20% above, rapid growth in 3 G. 3 G development swing, and on the other hand, the issuance of licenses for 4 G currently there is no specific agenda. Labour minister MiaoWei reported letter, 4 G network especially TD-LTE network construction and after two to three years, to a series of large-scale trial and trial commercial, can extend license plates.
In addition, the cell phone battery life of 4 G ability quite worrying. As is known to all, the battery endurance are already restrict 3 G smartphones bottlenecks, and for network speed is faster, more powerful configuration of 4 G for smart phones, battery test of endurance will be more serious. 4 G network in the United States more popular, more and more smart phones 4 G users find high-speed broadband service will accelerate the loss of power speed, and 4 G service is not stable power consumption is the culprit, even in the United States in a large city, cell phone or from time to time to search for the network service, then depleted battery range. Similarly, the American market research company J.D. Power once every six months smart phone satisfaction survey of the latest results show that the battery life time is not satisfied with the most intelligent mobile phone users. Among them, 4 G mobile phone battery life ability also less than 3 G phones. The need to search 4 G signal, make this kind of product power consumption increase. In addition, 4 G users of mobile phone use higher frequency, leading to battery more nervous.
4 G hair scale universal time is needed to
4 G network is not stable, 4 G mobile phone a few, terminal battery endurance couldn't keep up with...... Many constraints restricts the 4 G smartphone market enlargement. Although the development of 4 G has horn sounded, but terminal the popularization and the scale development still need a period of brewing and improvement.
Globally, 4 G development is a trend, but also the future a big blue ocean. Many business, the terminal equipment manufacturer, the chip manufacturers have launched their own 4 G products, operators also shows the status of the deployment of their network. And when 4 G network development matures, 4 G LTE technology is increasingly perfect under, 4 G phones have incremental development and is not impossible. But now, 3 G network construction is still in carrying on like, 3 G smartphones are in strong popularization stage, the scale of 4 G mobile development still needs to endure the test of time.
Especially in domestic market, 4 G smartphone development still need to walk through multi-channel threshold, perhaps need a longer time. Domestic 4 G the issuance of licenses for the 4 G is in front of the terminal development "tiger". Besides, according to the work MiaoWei minister that letter, China 4 G the issuance of licenses may be two to three years. While China TD-LTE commercial present two problems need to be solved: one is the density base station, and the other is terminal not mature. MiaoWei said: "would rather the slightly slower, ready to more fully, the user to get some mature product." This shows, the next two to three years, the domestic will still to 3 G development for the leading. And, this year is the 3 G scale development, an important year, and, in the telecommunication actively promote the development process of 3 G, 3 G smartphones will have outbreaks growth. 4 G mobile phone and at present only in the embryonic stage, realize mass popularity time is needed to.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mobile platform heat ranking: iOS andros registered the blackberry slid in

Market research firm IDC survey Appcelerator and, apple has become the most popular application developers to welcome the platform, Android platform lost some attractive, blackberry (the Po) platform is slowing significantly.
The survey asked whether you are interested in developers for different types of equipment development application. The results showed that, despite the rapid rise of equipment sales Android, but developers to the interest of the Android platform has fallen.
Appcelerator analyst Michael gold (Mike King) says, because different hardware manufacturers in a different way to use Android system, the platform fragmentation phenomenon is very obvious. This and apple iOS system is different. He said: "platform fragmentation lead to developers interested, and Google down (the Po) seems to have no good way."
Developer interest is a useful indicator of, can be used to judge a platform for support. When consumer is buying a smart phones will usually hope to complete a variety of mobile phone of tasks, including browse news and share price, the record running distance, and find a restaurant, etc.
The survey shows at the same time, application developers think, due to the large user base, Google's latest social media platform can eventually catch up with Facebook. Google last year launching its social networking Google +, but has so far failed to shake Facebook's lead. Facebook users already close to 900 million, of which half for mobile users.
In the poll, two-thirds of respondents expected, Google will depend on a range of services, such as Gmail, search engine, Google maps and YouTube, finally caught up with Facebook. Mike Kim said: "the developers will help Google in in the mobile and social media market get extra advantage."
In addition, 90% of survey respondents said they were interested in for iPhone or iPad application development, 80% of respondents expressed an interest in for Android mobile phone application development, and are willing to for Android tablet computer application development of respondents proportion was only about 2/3.
Most developers say they plan on the mobile applications using at least part of the meta code, this will help get rid of application store application limit, expanding coverage.
The figures show, to Windows Phone 7 (micro Po) interested in developers 37%, and for blackberry interested developers have dropped to less than 16%, less than three months before the 20%. The survey on January 25 to 27, and February 21 to 23 days, when RIM Playbook tablet computer to released the QNX system updates. In the next generation of mobile phone RIM plans use QNX system. Mike Kim said: "the developers to QNX system becoming ambivalent."
There were 2200 application developers took part in the survey, 38% of them came from Europe, and 34% from North America, 28% from other regions.