Monday, April 9, 2012

Analysis says nokia need not shake apple simply overwhelm RIM blackberry

, market research firm Forrester analyst Sarah Rowe toman · YiPuSi (Sarah Rottman Epps) published on Thursday, a blog post says, nokia (the Po) don't need to be able to shake the smart phone market iPhone "killer", but should focus on overwhelm RIM blackberry (the Po).
Nokia 900 mobile phone on April 8, AT&T's listed in retail stores, many critics will this phone and apple iPhone 4 S compare, says it can not compare with the latter.
YiPuSi says, she is nokia Windows Phone mobile Phone supporters, and urged that nokia to be successful does not need to beat apple. She points out that nokia should with RIM blackberry users as the goal, try to "in two years will each a blackberry user is" into Windows Phone users. She further points out that: "blackberry users to pay for data itself has, so far, they will consciously or unconsciously choose not to buy an apple or Google ecological system."
YiPuSi says, Microsoft (the Po) have a chance to take in the smart phone market RIM occupied the small share, and transformed "part of" still in use nokia mobile phone users saiban. According to market research firm IDC statistics released, RIM is currently in the global smartphone market share of 8.2%.
YiPuSi pointed out: "smart phone market has matured to the point where will split, Palm is dead, and both saiban th xishan, thin RIM shambling, ecological system (except for Google and apple beyond) all of the men in all hope to have a third company Google and apple into the middle."